Currently in betaMinionway is currently in beta and can be used for free during that period. Interested? Just login and start enjoying Minionway today!

Welcome to Minionway!

Take your FFXIV game to the next level with Minionway. Monitor your characters, interact with players, keep an eye on your retainer' sales and much more!

Minionway screenshot

There's no easier way to stay connected!

Here are a few reasons why you should use Minionway:

Don't miss a thing

Keep an eye on your minion in real-time and make sure it's always productive.

Follow the conversation

See what's happening around you, in your Free Company or in your Linkshells.

Reply back

Send a message or reply to any /say, /fc, /tell and more.

Integrates with FFXIVMinion and Rebornbuddy.

It works alongside every other addon/plugin. You can even monitor/control some of them directly in Minionway.

Dominate the market

Monitor every sale your retainers makes. Generate and export reports.

Stay informed on the go

Get notified on Discord or via email for the events that matters to you.